5Parts and their functionsControl panel OPERATE lampThis lamp will come on when power is supplied to thisunit and the OPERATE switch is on. OPERATE switchThis controls the power of all pan/tilt head systems (pan/tilt head and convertible camera) connected to this unit.Allow at least 5 seconds between ON/OFF operations.Setting the OPERATE switch to OFF will not turn thepower to this unit off. To turn the power to this unitcompletely off, the power switch of AC adapter must beturned off. CAM CONT lampThis lights when the CAM CONT switch is at ON andcommunication with the camera of the pan/tilt headsystem currently selected is taking place successfully. Itgoes off if trouble occurs in the communication.When using a pan/tilt head other than the AW-PH350,AW-PH360 or AW-PH650, it remains off even whencommunication is taking place successfully. CAM CONT switchThis switch is used to turn the control panel’s cameracontrol functions ON or OFF.ON: Camera control is enabled (turned on).OFF: Camera control is disabled (turned off).The following functions can be turned on and off usingthe CAM CONT switch.GAIN, MODE, SHUTTER, WHT BAL [A, B, ATW],AWC, ABC, SCENE FILE [USER, 1, 2, 3], MENU/ ,ITEM/ , YES/ , NO/ GAIN [AUTO/MANU] buttonThis is used to select the gain control mode of thecamera in the pan/tilt head system currently selected.Each time it is pressed, the mode is switched by one stepin the sequence of the auto mode and manual mode[0 dB, L (9 dB) and H (18 dB)].If a setting other than 0 dB, 9 dB or 18 dB has beenselected for the gain in the manual mode usingthe camera menu, it will be changed to the settingestablished by the operation of this button.In the auto mode, the button’s lamp lights; in the manualmode, it goes off. MANU [L, H] lampThese lamps turn on and off as follows when a MANUgain setting has been selected using the GAIN button.0 dB L lamp off H lamp off9 dB L lamp on H lamp off18 dB L lamp off H lamp onWhen a setting other than the above has been selectedusing the camera menu, both the L and H lamps turn on. MODE [BAR/CAM] buttonThis is used to select the camera’s video output signals inthe pan/tilt head system currently selected.Each time it is pressed, the camera’s color bar signals orvideo signals are selected in turn.When the color bar signals are selected, the button’slamp comes on; when the video signals are selected, itgoes off.1LEVEL IRISOPERATECAMCONT2 3 4ATW ITEMDEF WIP H/F(AF)EXTLAMPND OPSCENE FILEPRESETMENUYES NOBASHUTTERMODEGAIN52ONOFFONOFF3 4 5ABCMEMORYMENUMulti Hybrid Control Panel AW-RP555AWCOKNGWHT BAL321USERTALLYCONTROLHIGHLOW TELEWIDEFARLEFT RIGHTUPDOWNNEARMANUAUTOSPEED ZOOM FOCUS PAN/TILT1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10MANUAUTO0dBLHCAMBAR