214. Set the left end position in the travel range. Operate the PAN/TILT lever to rotate the camera tothe position which is to serve as the left end position. Press the PRESET 1 and 6 buttons while holdingdown the MEMORY button. When the button 5 lamp lights, the setting iscompleted. To cancel the setting, press the PRESET 1 and 6buttons again while holding down the MEMORYbutton. When the setting is canceled, the button 10lamp lights.5. Set the right end position in the travel range. Operate the PAN/TILT lever to rotate the camera tothe position which is to serve as the right end position. Press the PRESET 4 and 9 buttons while holdingdown the MEMORY button. When the button 5 lamp lights, the setting iscompleted. To cancel the setting, press the PRESET 4 and 9buttons again while holding down the MEMORYbutton. When the setting is canceled, the button 10lamp lights.6. Use the CONTROL button to switch the pan/tilt headsystem. and set the travel ranges (limiters) for eachsystem concerned.Genlock adjustmentIf a camera is to be synchronized with an external signal foruse, genlock adjustment must be performed for the cameraand other equipments.Either the black burst or VBS (video, burst and sync) signalis used for the external sync signal.There is no need to perform the genlock adjustment if thecamera is not going to be synchronized with an externalsignal.For the genlock adjustments, open the camera menu andperform the settings. Refer to the instructions accompanyingthe camera and cable compensator.Total pedestal adjustmentWhen more than one camera is to be used, the black level(pedestal level) of the pictures shot by each of the camerasmust be brought into alignment.Set the black level (pedestal level) using the camera menu.For details, refer to the instructions accompanying thecamera.Operation1LEVEL IRISOPERATECAMCONT2 3 4ATW ITEMDEF WIP H/F(AF)EXTLAMPND OPSCENE FILEPRESETMENUYES NOBASHUTTERMODEGAIN52ONOFFONOFF3 4 5ABCMEMORYMENUMulti Hybrid Control Panel AW-RP555AWCOKNGWHT BAL321USERTALLYCONTROLHIGHLOW TELEWIDEFARLEFT RIGHTUPDOWNNEARMANUAUTOSPEED ZOOM FOCUS PAN/TILT1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10MANUAUTO0dBLHCAMBAR