20OperationAdjusting the minimum startspeed of the lens zoomPerform this adjustment to ensure that the lens zoom willfunction smoothly in response to the angle to which thezoom lever is tilted when it is used to zoom the lens.1. Use the CONTROL button to select the pan/tilt headwhose lens zoom minimum start speed is to be adjusted.2. Press the IRIS button while holding down the MEMORYbutton.3. The IRIS button lamp starts flashing, and the standbystatus is established.4. Press the IRIS button to establish the setting mode.The lamps of both the MEMORY button and IRIS buttonstart flashing. If the joystick is operated at this point, theadjustment will be forcibly terminated.5. Press the PRESET 1 to 8 buttons to set thecompensation amounts. This amount is lowest forthe PRESET 1 button and highest for the PRESET 8button. When the PRESET 10 button is pressed, thecompensation is set to OFF. When the PRESET 1 to 8and 10 buttons are pressed, the lamp of the IRIS buttonstops flashing, and the setting mode is exited.6. Move the zoom lever slowly and, while monitoring theimage on the monitor, check whether the lens zoomstarts moving smoothly.If the lens zoom fails to starts moving smoothly, repeatsteps 2 to 5 and find the optimum value.7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for the other pan/tilt heads.Setting the travel range (limiters)of the pan/tilt headDepending on where it has been installed, there may beobstacles within the travel range of the pan/tilt head systemwith which the system may come into contact.The pan/tilt head system may malfunction or an accidentmay occur if the system comes into contact with such anobstacle.Prior to use, be absolutely sure to set the travel range(limiters: upper, lower, left-most and right-most limits ofrotation) of the pan/tilt head system.Before installing a pan/tilt head as a stand-alone type, setthe installation direction switch inside the pan/tilt head tostand-alone installation. (“Suspended installation” is thefactory setting.)If this switch is not set properly, the operating directionsof the pan/tilt head will be reversed, and the limits of thepan/tilt head’s travel range (limiters) will not be stored inthe memory properly. For details on how to set the switch,refer to the operating instructions of the pan/tilt head.1. Select the pan/tilt head system using the CONTROLbutton.2. Set the upper limit position in the travel range. Operate the PAN/TILT lever on the control panel torotate the camera to the position which is to serve asthe upper limit position. Press the PRESET 2 and 3 buttons while holdingdown the MEMORY button on the control panel. When the button 5 lamp lights, the setting iscompleted. To cancel the setting, press the PRESET 2 and 3buttons again while holding down the MEMORYbutton. When the setting is canceled, the button 10lamp lights.3. Set the lower limit position in the travel range. Operate the PAN/TILT lever to rotate the camerato the position which is to serve as the lower limitposition. Press the PRESET 7 and 8 buttons while holdingdown the MEMORY button. When the button 5 lamp lights, the setting iscompleted. To cancel the setting, press the PRESET 7 and 8buttons again while holding down the MEMORYbutton. When the setting is canceled, the button 10lamp lights.