241. Select the pan/tilt head system using the CONTROLbutton.2. Use the following buttons to establish the modes. Press the IRIS button to establish the MANU mode(the IRIS button’s lamp now goes off).If the AUTO mode is established, the lens iris positionwill not be entered.3. Operate the ZOOM lever and PAN/TILT lever, and on themonitor check the pictures which are to be shot.4. Select the white balance from among the A, B and ATWbuttons, and adjust the lens iris using the IRIS LEVELcontrol.5. Set the unit to a state in which the MEMORY button isheld down.When the MEMORY button is pressed, those buttonsamong the PRESET buttons 1 through 10 in which datacan be entered start flashing in sequence.6. While the MEMORY button is held down, press thebutton in which the preset memory data is to be entered.7. If necessary, enter other shooting positions and settingsinto other buttons among PRESET buttons 1 through 10as preset memory data.8. Select the next pan/tilt head system using the CONTROLbutton, and continue setting the preset memory data foreach system concerned.Entering preset memory dataPreset memory settingsThe multi hybrid control panel is equipped with a presetmemory function for entering the positions and settings withwhich the pan/tilt head system is to shoot.Preset memory data is entered into PRESET buttons 1through 10.Pan/tilt head system’s settingsPan/tilt head:Pan/tilt positionCamera:Zoom, focus, iris (MANU mode only), white balanceOperation1LEVEL IRISOPERATECAMCONT2 3 4ATW ITEMDEF WIP H/F(AF)EXTLAMPND OPSCENE FILEPRESETMENUYES NOBASHUTTERMODEGAIN52ONOFFONOFF3 4 5ABCMEMORYMENUMulti Hybrid Control Panel AW-RP555AWCOKNGWHT BAL321USERTALLYCONTROLHIGHLOW TELEWIDEFARLEFT RIGHTUPDOWNNEARMANUAUTOSPEED ZOOM FOCUS PAN/TILT1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10MANUAUTO0dBLHCAMBAR1. Select the pan/tilt head system using the CONTROLbutton.2. Press the OP button while holding down the MEMORYbutton.3 The OP button lamp starts flashing, and the standbymode is established.4. Press the OP button to establish the setting mode.The lamps of the PRESET 1 to 10 buttons start flashingin sequence. If the joystick is operated at this point, thedeletion operation will be forcibly terminated.5. Press the PRESET buttons whose memory data is to bedeleted.6. If necessary, delete other preset memory data as well.Deleting preset memory data