231. Select the pan/tilt head system using the CONTROLbutton.2. Press the IRIS button to set the currently selected pan/tilthead system to the AUTO mode (the IRIS button’s lampnow comes on).3. Press the ABC button.The ABC button’s lamp flashes, the lens iris isautomatically stopped down, and the black balanceis automatically adjusted. Once the adjustment hasbeen performed correctly, the lamp goes off, and theconditions set are entered in the memory.The ABC button’s lamp will remain lighted if it was notpossible for the adjustment to be performed. In this case,repeat the adjustment procedure. It may not be possible to adjust the black balanceif the total pedestal is too low. In this case, adjustthe total pedestal again, and then repeat the blackbalance adjustment. The ABC button’s lamp goes off even if the blackbalance adjustment was not performed correctlyin cases where a pan/tilt head system other thanthe AW-PH350, AW-PH360 or AW-PH650 is beingused.4. Select the next pan/tilt head system using the CONTROLbutton, and continue adjusting the black balance in eachsystem concerned.OperationAutomatic adjustment of black balanceBlack balance adjustmentThe black balance must be adjusted when the equipmentis used for the first time, when it has not been used for aprolonged time, when the ambient temperature has changedsignificantly or when one season gives way to another.If the equipment is to be used under conditions which areidentical to the entered settings, no further adjustments arenecessary.When the black balance is adjusted again, the previouslyentered settings will be deleted and replaced by the newconditions.1LEVEL IRISOPERATECAMCONT2 3 4ATW ITEMDEF WIP H/F(AF)EXTLAMPND OPSCENE FILEPRESETMENUYES NOBASHUTTERMODEGAIN52ONOFFONOFF3 4 5ABCMEMORYMENUMulti Hybrid Control Panel AW-RP555AWCOKNGWHT BAL321USERTALLYCONTROLHIGHLOW TELEWIDEFARLEFT RIGHTUPDOWNNEARMANUAUTOSPEED ZOOM FOCUS PAN/TILT1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10MANUAUTO0dBLHCAMBAR