62 Main Mode: Using the Unit Connected to a NetworkThe data in an SD memory card can be transferred to an FTPserver, and then written back from the FTP server to the SDmemory card.1 Display the thumbnail screen.2 Press the [MENU] button.3 Use the cursor buttons to align the cursor with the“CLIP” - “EXPORT” (➝ page 83) menu item andpress the [SET] button.Note:• The “SD CARD” menu item can be selected only when acard is inserted in the SD memory card slot.• For a card in an SD card slot, only the whole memory cardcan be exported. It is not possible to export selected clipslike with a P2 card.4 The server screen appears.The folders on the set server are displayed. Use the cursorbuttons to select the transfer destination folder.Note:• Folder names using multi-byte characters are not displayedcorrectly.• Press the [TC PRESET] button to add a new folder to the cur-rent folder list. (This operation is not related to the cursor po-sition.)Numeric characters indicating the date and time are auto-matically entered for the name of the new folder but you canset a different name with the full keyboard.Note that some characters are not allowed on some FTPservers. A folder with the same name as an existing foldercannot be created.5 Press the [SET] button to start exporting.Note:• Exporting may take a long time depending on factors suchas the number of files, file sizes, and network conditions.• To stop exporting, press the [SET] button, align the cursorwith “YES” in the “CANCEL” confirmation message, andpress the [SET] button. If the network is not disconnected,the partially exported files on the FTP server are deleted.If the network is disconnected, incomplete files may remainon the FTP server.• After exporting starts, disconnection errors will no longer bedetected. Use the procedure above to stop an export oper-ation that has stalled.• Confirm the amount of free space on the FTP server fromyour FTP server administrator in advance because it cannotbe checked automatically before exporting starts.• Whether an error is generated when the remaining capacityof the FTP server reaches 0 depends on the FTP server. If anerror is not generated, use the procedure above to stop theoperation.• When an existing folder is selected and that folder containsfiles with the same path names as files in the SD memorycard, the files will be overwritten without any warning mes-sage being displayed. However, if the path names are thesame but the types differ (folder and file), an error is gener-ated.• To prevent inadvertent overwriting, create new folders to ex-port data whenever possible.• To use SSH, the FTP server must be SSH compliant.• Setting SSH to ENABLE will reduce the transfer speed.When exporting is completed, “COPY COMPLETED!” ap-pears.Transferring SD Memory Card DataTransferring to an FTP server (export)