58 Main Mode: Using the Unit Connected to a NetworkTo use the FTP client functions, you need to set the LANsettings and FTP client settings in advance.Locate the FTP server folder tree to display a list of subfoldersin folders and folder information. You can also display a list ofthe thumbnails in any CONTENTS folder (folder containing theP2 card clips).1 Display the thumbnail screen.2 Press the [MENU] button.3 Use the cursor buttons to align the cursor with the“EXPLORE” (➝ page 83) - “LAN” menu item andpress the [SET] button.1) Display statusIndicates that the screen is the FTP EXPLORE screen.2) FTP server informationThe following information is displayed.3) Media statusIndicates the P2 card insertion status, hard disk con-nection status, type, and LAN cable connection status.The LAN indicator displays the following status.Note:There is a delay of a few seconds between the updating of theLAN indicator and the actual status.4) Folder informationNote:• The folder list displays only folders, and does not displayordinary files or link files.• “.” indicates the current folder. No date and time infor-mation is displayed.• The date and time information is either the local time orworld standard time, but depends on the informationfrom the FTP server.Sometimes only the year or time is displayed.• Whether text is case sensitive or not depends on the FTPserver.• Folder names using multi-byte characters are not dis-played correctly.• Up to 100 folders can be displayed in a folder.The 101st folder and subsequent folders cannot be ac-cessed from the FTP EXPLORE screen.However, if a folder name is directly added to [FTP CLI-ENT URL:] in the FTP client settings, the contents of thatfolder can be accessed even if it is the 101st folder or asubsequent folder.• Connectivity and folder display may differ from that of aPC connected to an FTP server.• Depending on the FTP server and the connection envi-ronment, error messages may not be displayed correct-ly.• To stop an operation when connected, press the [SET]button.• If an error occurs, perform the operation again.• An error may be generated when a network operation isperformed right after connecting a LAN cable or stop-ping the previous operation.• Check the connection with PING when performing an op-eration several times results in a connection error. If PINGfails, check that the LAN settings are correct, the LAN ca-ble is connected properly, and any hubs or routers in thepath are operating normally. If PING is successful, checkwhether the server function services of the FTP server arerunning, whether there is a firewall in the communicationpath, and whether a user ID and password that permitsaccess to the FTP server have been set. Note that it maybe possible to connect using FTP even when PING fails.• If a connection cannot be established even after per-forming the above checks, consult with the system ad-ministrator of your network environment.• Some GUI operations may not be possible for a while af-ter an FTP server operation has been cancelled.Using FTP Client FunctionsFTP server folder list (FTP EXPLOREscreen)URL: URL of connected FTP serverUSER ID: User ID of logged in userSSH: Indicates whether SSH is set to ENABLE or DIS-ABLE.Gray: Gray indicates that the LAN setting is OFF.White: White indicates that the LAN setting is ON.Yellow: Yellow indicates that a LAN cable is connect-ed and that there is a link.Red: Red indicates an error with the unit. Consultyour dealer because the unit may have mal-functioned.1)2)3)4)PATH: Path of current folder on FTP serverNO.: Folder number (1 - )FOLDERNAME:Folder nameDATE: Date of last updateTIME: Time of last update