E – 22MENUENTERCANCELSELECTPOWERSTATUSON/STAND BYSOURCEAUTO ADJUSTAC INS-VIDEOVIDEOAUDIORGB INPUT 2AUDIORGB INPUT 1L / MONORAUDIORGB MONITOROUTPUTUSBPC-CARDC CONTROL MOUSEOUT REMOTCONTRINPUS-VIDEOVIDEOAUDIORGB INPUT 2AUDIORGB INPUT 1L / MONORAUDIORGB MONITOROUTPUTRGB INPUT Y Cb CrR LR LRedWhiteYCbCrRedWhiteDVD playerOptional 15-pin-to-RCA23 cable (optional)(Component V )Audio cable (not supplied)Audio EquipmentConnecting Your DVD PlayerYou can connect your projector to a DVD player with component out-puts or Video output. To do so, simply:1. Turn off the power to your projector and DVD player.2. If your DVD player has the component video (Y,Cb,Cr) output, usethe optional 15-pin-to-RCA23 cable to connect your DVD player tothe RGB INPUT connector on the projector.For a DVD player without component video (Y,Cb,Cr) outputs, usecommon RCA cables (not provided) to connect a composite VIDEOoutput of the DVD player to the Video Input of the projector.3. Turn on the projector and DVD player.NOTE: Refer to your DVD player’s owner’s manual for more information aboutyour DVD player’s video output requirements,