E – 20MENUENTERCANCELSELECTPOWERSTATUSON/STAND BYSOURCEAUTO ADJUSTAC INS-VIDEOVIDEOAUDIORGB INPUT 2AUDIORGB INPUT 1L / MONORAUDIORGB MONITOROUTPUTUSBPC-CARDC CONTROL MOUSEOUT REMOTCONTRINPUS-VIDEOVIDEOAUDIORGB INPUT 2AUDIORGB INPUT 1L / MONORAUDIORGB MONITOROUTPUTRGB INPUTAUDIOMacintosh (Notebook type)RGB Signal cable (supplied)Audio cable (not supplied)1ONDIP2 3 4 5 6Pin adapter for Macintosh(not supplied)For older Macintosh, use a commerciallyavailable pin adapter to connect to yourMac's video port.The new Macintosh computer such asG3 will have the 15 pin HD connec-tor. The MT1055/MT1050/MT850's"Plug and Play" data will be down-loaded to the Macintosh. Therefore,a Mac adapter will not be necessary.Connecting Your Macintosh ComputerTo connect to a Macintosh, simply:1. Turn off the power to your projector and your Macintosh computer.2. Use the supplied signal cable to connect your Macintosh computerto the projector.3. Turn on the projector and the Macintosh computer.Macintosh (Desktop type)