403. Convenient FeaturesAUTO DNS ON DHCP server will automatically assign IP ADDRESS of DNS server connected to theprojector.AUTO DNS OFF Set your IP ADDRESS of DNS server connected to the projector.APPLY Make the settings for wired LAN effective.WIRELESS LANSMART CONNECTION Easily connect to a computer or a smart phone utilizing the application software, Mul-tiPresenter, installed on them.SIMPLE ACCESS POINT Set the projector as a simple access point for connecting to a computer or a smart phone.INFRASTRUCTURE Connect this device to an access point.DISABLE Turn off wireless LAN connectionSETTING Set for wireless LAN.APPLY Connect to the network wirelessly by the selected option among SMART CONNEC-TION, SIMPLE ACCESS POINT, and INFRASTRUCTURE.WIRELESS LAN (SMART CONNECTION)CONNEC-TIONMODE Select wireless frequency band.CHANNEL Select wireless channel.SECURITY SECURITYTYPESelect if you use the PIN CODE as a security password when STATIC is selected forPIN TYPE.SECURITYKEYWhen SECURITY is enabled, set a SECURITY KEY. SECURITY KEY must be 8 to63 alphanumeric characters (including a space).WIRELESS LAN (SIMPLE ACCESS POINT)CONNEC-TIONSSID Set SSID as an access point. SSID must be 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters (includ-ing a space).MODE Select wireless frequency band.CHANNEL Select wireless channel.SECURITY SECURITYTYPESelect security type.SECURITYKEYSet a SECURITY KEY. SECURITY KEY must be 8 to 63 alphanumeric characters(including a space).WIRELESS LAN (INFRASTRUCTURE)IP AD-DRESSDHCP ON Automatically IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, and GATEWAY are assigned to theprojector by your DHCP server.DHCP OFF Set IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, and GATEWAY to the projector assigned by yournetwork administrator.IP AD-DRESSSet your IP ADDRESS of the network connected to the projector.SUBNETMASKSet your SUBNET MASK number of the network connected to the projector.GATEWAY Set the default GATEWAY of the network connected to the projector.AUTO DNSONDHCP server will automatically assign IP ADDRESS of DNS server connected to theprojector.AUTO DNSOFFSet your IP ADDRESS of DNS server connected to the projector.