Article 8 TerminationIn case the User falls under any of the eventsdescribed in the following items, the Licensor mayimmediately terminate this Agreement or claim thatthe User compensates for the damage incurred bythe Licensor due to such event:(1) when the User violated any provision of thisAgreement; or(2) when a petition has been filed against the Userfor an attachment, provisional attachment,provisional disposition or any other compulsoryexecution.Article 9 Destruction of the Licensed SoftwareIf this Agreement is terminated pursuant to theprovision of Article 8, the User shall destroy theLicensed Software, any related documents andcopies thereof within two (2) weeks from such dateof termination.Article 10 Export Restriction1. The User shall understand that the LicensedSoftware shall be subject to the export restrictionsadopted by the country of User and any othercountries.2. The User shall agree that the software will besubject to any and all applicable international anddomestic laws including the export controlregulation of the country of User and any othercountries, and any restrictions concerning the end-users, the use by end-users and importingcountries to be provided by the country of User andany other countries, and any other governmentalauthorities.3. If the User is an agency of the United States ofAmerica (the “Government”), the Useracknowledge Licensor’s representation that theLicensed Software is a “Commercial Item” asdefined in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)part 2.101(g) consisting unpublished “CommercialComputer Software” as those items are used atFAR part 12.212 and is only license the User withthe same use right Licensor grants all commercialend users pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.Article 11 Miscellaneous1. In the event any part of this Agreement isinvalidated by operation of law, the residualprovisions shall continue in force.2. Matters not stipulated in this Agreement or anyambiguity or question raised in the construction ofthis Agreement shall be provided or settled upongood-faith consultation between the Licensor andthe User.3. The Licensor and the User hereby agree that thisAgreement is governed by the laws of Japan, andany dispute arising from, and relating to the rightsand obligations under, this Agreement shall besubmitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the TokyoDistrict Court for its first instance.Important Noticeconcerning the SoftwareSoftware License Attached to the Product :The Software embedded in the Product iscomposed of several independent softwarecomponents, and in each of such individualcomponents (hereinafter the “Licensed Software”),a copyright of either JVC KENWOOD Corporation(hereinafter “JKC”) or a third party subsists.The Product uses the software componentdesignated in the End-User License Agreementthat was executed between JKC and a third party(hereinafter “EULA”).The Licensed Software covers thosecorresponding to free software, and, as a conditionof distribution of the software component inexecutable format which is based on the licensegranted under the GNU General Public License orLesser General Public License (hereinafter “GPL/LGPL”), it requires an availability of the sourcecode for the relevant component. Please refer tothe following URL concerning the distribution of thesource code;http:// note that we are unable to answer anyinquiry relating to the contents, etc. of the sourcecode. In addition, the Licensed Software includesthe software developed or created independentlyby JKC and there exists an ownership of JKC insuch software and any accompanying documents,which is protected by the Copyright Law, anyinternational treaties and other applicable laws. Asto matters concerning the handling by JKC of thesoftware components, please refer to the“Software License Agreement” attached hereto.Please note that any software component licensedunder “EULA” which is not subject to “GPL/LGPL”,and those developed or created independently byJKC shall not be subject to the requirement forprovision of the source code. The softwarecomponent distributed under “GPL/LGPL” shall belicensed to users without charge, and, therefore, nowarranty is given for such software component,either express or implied, within the scope of theapplicable laws and regulations. Unless otherwisepermitted by applicable laws and regulations oragreed in written form, none of the owners of thecopyright or persons entitled to alter or redistributethe software component under the said licenseshall have any liability for any type of damage orloss resulting from the use of or inability to use suchsoftware component. For further details of theconditions of use of such software component ormatters required to be complied with, please referto the relevant “GPL/LGPL”.Users are urged to read the details for the relevantlicense carefully before using the software180Others