OperationEN-15 Haier LED HDTV2.Playback status: It shows the playback status (Play,Pause, Fast Forward, Rewind). Play Fast forwardPause Fast reverse3.Playback speed: playback speed can be changed -1x,2x,4x,8x,16x,32x.4.Playback position: The playback position is always atthe center of the time bar.5.Time scale:shows the time in half hour increments.NoteTime Shift function is only available in DTVRmode.The maximum recording duration is determinedR by the memory size of the USB drive and the signalresolution. Please use a high-speed USB 2.0 drivewith a minimum of 1GB capacity.Time shift only supports FAT32 file-system.RTime shift supports more than 4GB recording byR using multi-file storage.When the maximum recording duration is reached,R the oldest program would be deleted and thelatest program is recorded.When changing channel or changing input source,R the timeshift would stop automatically.Time shift record will store the fact of no signal.RTime shift will store the video, audio and dataR service. we only support:Video streams: Max 1 streamAudio streams: Max 8 streamsCC stream: No limited.In recording, the data is not guaranteed to beR stored in the disk. If the timeshift playback playsa corrupted data block, it would show “Data lost”message to indicate that the current data is notstored correctly.Please connect the TV antenna or Cable TV coaxialR cable to the Antenna input on the TV. Then pleasecomplete the channel scan. The Time Shift featureis available when using your ATSC tuner and QAMcable tuner.Select the desired programUsingA CH+/- buttons.Press CH+ button to select a channel number innumber increasing direction.Press CH- button to select a channel number innumber decreasing direction.NoteIf skip is ON on one channel, pressR CH+/- button,the channel will not appear.Also can enter channel number directly, eg:2-0.BSelect the desired soundPress VOL-/+ buttons on the remote or the front of theTV set to adjust the volume level. The range is 0~100.When the volume buttons are pressed the volume levelis displayed automatically on the TV screen.Volume 57MutePressA MUTE button on the remote control and “ “type face will display on the screen. At this time, thesound of the TV set is turned off.If you want to recover the sound, pressB MUTEbutton again or directly press VOL+ button.Video menuThe TV menu gives you an overview of the menus youcan select.NoteDepending on the input signal, one or more menuRitems may not be selectable.How to select picture modeThe picture mode provides the pre-defined imagessettings: Standard, Vivid, Custom and Mild .PressA MENU button and then use /button to