IJ Scan Utility Error MessagesIf an error message for IJ Scan Utility appears, check the error code and follow the corresponding solution.Error Code Error Message Solution152 There is not enough memory. Exit other applications to increaseavailable memory.• The memory required to startIJ Scan Utility cannot beobtained; exit otherapplications.153 The image you attempted to scan is in a size that cannot beopened in the specified application. Change the settings so thatthe image size is reduced.• Reduce the resolution oroutput size and scan again.157 Cannot communicate with scanner for these reasons:- Scanner is turned off.- (If using Wired LAN connection) It is disconnected from WiredLAN.- (If using wireless LAN connection) Signal strength is poor dueto obstructions.- Network connection is prohibited by security software.- Different scanner on the network is selected.Check the above and try scanning again.If you still cannot communicate, restart the computer.• With network connection,check the connection statusand reconnect as required.Ifthe same error message stillappears, restart thecomputer.201 A required file is missing or corrupted, or settings are incorrect.Try the installation again.• Reinstall the scanner driverfrom the web page.• Reinstall IJ Scan Utility fromthe web page.202 An internal error has occurred. Take the following measures.- Check the scanner status.- Restart the scanner.- Restart the computer, then try again.- Reinstall the scanner driver.• An internal error hasoccurred. Take the followingmeasures.◦ Check the scannerstatus.◦ Restart the scanner.◦ Restart the computer,then try again.◦ Reinstall the scannerdriver.230 A scanner driver supporting this software is not installed. Installit and try again.• Reinstall the scanner driverfrom the web page.231 Cannot complete the scan. The disk space is insufficient. • Delete unnecessary files onthe hard disk and scanagain.232 Cannot save the file. The disk is write-protected.Cancel the protection or use another disk.• Cancel the write protectionon the disk.242 Cannot write file. • Check the accesspermission on the folder inFolder to Save TemporaryFiles in the Settings539