128 Chapter 12TroubleshootingPaper jams inside the machine(Transport Unit).Remove the paper according to the following procedure.1. Open the Rear Cover.2. When you can see the jammed paper, slowly pull the paper out.Be careful not to touch the components inside the machine.If you cannot pull the paper out, turn the machine off and turn it backon. The paper will be ejected automatically.3. Close the Rear Cover.4. If you could not extract the paper in step 2, remove the Cassette.5. Slowly pull the jammed paper out.6. If any paper is sticking out of the Cassette, reload the paper in theCassette.7. Insert the Cassette into the machine again, and press [OK] on themachine.If you have turned off and on the machine in step 2, you will need toretry printing, because this operation cancels any print jobs inprogress.If you cannot remove the paper or if the paper tears inside the machine, orif the paper jam error continues after removing the paper, contact theCanon Customer Care Center.Cause Action