6) Hook the charging wire on the charging wirepositioner at the rear; then, hook the chargingwire tension spring on the charging wire asshown, and twist it.Figure 4-5247) Cut the excess end of the charging wire with anipper.8) Pick the end of the charging wire tensionspring with tweezers, and hook it on the charg-ing electrode.In the case of the pre-transfer charging assem-bly, hook the loop of the charging wire on thecharging electrode, and hook the spring on thepin at the front.Figure 4-525Check to make sure of the following:• The charging wire is free of bends ortwists and its gold plating has not peeled.• The charging wire is in the V-shapedcharging wire positioning groove.Figure 4-526 Primary Charging Wire9) Install the cushion to the front of the chargingassembly. (This does not apply to the primarycharging assembly.)10)Install the shielding plate (left, right).For other charging assemblies, install thelids (2 pcs.).11)Install the wire cleaner. (At this time, makesure that the orientation of the wire cleaner iscorrect.)12)Wipe the charging wire with lint-free papermoistened with alcohol.• Do not clean the wires with a cloth coat-ed with metal powder.• Do not clean the wires with a moist cloth.Dry wipe the wires with lint-free paper;then, use alcohol. Check to make surethat the part is completely dry beforeinstalling it to the copier.4. Routing the Grid Wire of the Primary ChargingAssembly1) Loosen the two screws at the front used tokeep the left and the right shielding plates inplace.2) Loosen the four screws used to keep the motorunit in place at the front.Figure 4-5274. MECHANICAL SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 1996 CANON INC. CANON NP6085 REV.0 JULY 1996 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 4-73Caution:(correct) (wrong)(correct) (wrong)Grid sideCaution:Caution:ScrewsScrews