D. Pre-Transfer ChargingAssembly1. Removing the Pre-Transfer ChargingAssembly1) Open the front doors.2) Slide out the duplexing unit, and remove theprocess cover.3) Remove the mounting screw q, and pull outthe pre-transfer charging assembly e.Figure 4-519E. Transfer/Separation ChargingAssembly1. Removing the Transfer/Separation ChargingAssembly1) Open the front door.2) Slide out the duplexing unit, and remove theprocess cover; then, set the duplexing unit tothe copier once again.3) Insert a long screwdriver into the hole in thestay at the front of the feeding assembly; then,slide out the duplexing unit while lifting thefeeding assembly.4) Remove the two mounting screws q, andremove the charging assembly stopper platew; then, pull out the transfer/separation charg-ing assembly.Figure 4-5202. Installing the Transfer/Separation ChargingAssemblyInstall the charging assembly while the clean-er drive block mounted to the charging assemblyrail of the feeding assembly is at the front.If the cleaning drive block is not at the front,while keeping the charging assembly outside,select ‘adjust/clean’, ‘wire cleaning’, and then‘start’ to execute wire cleaning; when the wire hasbeen cleaned, install the charging assembly.In case of installing the charging assembly,be sure the charging assembly is set com-pletely then, install the stopper plate.4. MECHANICAL SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 1996 CANON INC. CANON NP6085 REV.0 JULY 1996 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 4-711 3221Caution: