COPYRIGHT © 1999 CANON INC. CANON imageRUNNER 600 REV.1 JAN. 2000 PRINTED IN U.S.A.iv[3][4]ONOFF1 2 34 5 67 8 90 CIDON/OFFCOPY A MAIL BOX OPTIONS1 2 34 5 67 8 90Copying Error COPY BCopying Error Data DataError ErrorCID[2][1][1] Data lamp[2] Power switch[3] Main power switch[4] Heater switchFigure 2 Arrangement of the SwitchesWhen Turning Off the Main Power SwitchBe sure to turn off the main power switch, and disconnect the power plug before startingdisassembly/assembly work with the following in mind:1. When you turn off the main power switch for adding printer functions, any databeing processed at the time may be lost. Check to make sure that the data lamp onthe control panel is off before operating the main power switch.After turning off the main power switch, disconnect the communication cable fromthe printer board so that data will not be accepted during work.2. Do not turn off the main power switch when downloading is taking place. Other-wise, the machine may stop operating.3. Some units remain powered even when the control panel power switch is turnedoff. Be sure to turn off the main power switch, and disconnect the power plugbefore starting disassembly/assembly work.(If the heater switch is on, the cassette heater and the drum heater remain pow-ered even when the main power switch is turned off.)4. Not all power will be removed even when the front door is opened if both the controlpanel power switch and the main power switch are on.