Shifting Into Park (P){CAUTION:It can be dangerous to get out of your vehicleif the shift lever is not fully in PARK (P) withthe parking brake firmly set. Your vehicle canroll. If you have left the engine running, thevehicle can move suddenly. You or otherscould be injured. To be sure your vehicle willnot move, even when you are on fairly levelground, use the steps that follow. If you arepulling a trailer, see Towing a Trailer onpage 4-52.To shift into PARK (P), use the following steps:1. Hold the brake pedal down with your right foot.2. Move the shift lever into PARK (P) like this:• Press the button on the front of the shift lever asyou push the shift lever all the way toward thefront of your vehicle into PARK (P). Release thebutton.• With your right foot still holding the brake pedaldown, set the parking brake with your left foot.See Parking Brake on page 2-29 for moreinformation.3. Turn the key to OFF.4. Remove the key from the ignition switch and take itwith you. If you can leave your vehicle with the keyin your hand, the vehicle is in PARK (P).2-30