Center Console Storage AreaYour vehicle has a center console storage area locatedbetween the front seats. It includes storage areas,and accessory power outlet(s) on the rear of theconsole.Map PocketThere are map pockets located near the bottom of thefront doors.Assist HandlesYour vehicle has assist handles located above thedoors.Garment HooksYour vehicle has garment hooks located between therear doors and the liftgate.Luggage Carrier{CAUTION:If you try to carry something on top of yourvehicle that is longer or wider than the luggagecarrier — like paneling, plywood, a mattressand so forth — the wind can catch it as youdrive along. This can cause you to losecontrol. What you are carrying could beviolently torn off, and this could cause you orother drivers to have a collision, and of coursedamage your vehicle. You may be able to carrysomething like this inside. But, never carrysomething longer or wider than the luggagecarrier on top of your vehicle.2-46