GM Mobility Program for Personswith DisabilitiesThis program, available toqualified applicants, canreimburse you up to$1,000 toward eligibleaftermarket driver orpassenger adaptiveequipment you mayrequire for your vehicle(hand controls,wheelchair/scooterlifts, etc.).This program can also provide you with free resourceinformation, such as area driver assessment centers andmobility equipment installers. The offer is available fora limited period of time from the date of vehiclepurchase/lease. For more details, or to determine yourvehicle’s eligibility, see your GM dealer or call theGM Mobility Assistance Center at 1-800-323-9935. Texttelephone (TTY) users, call 1-800-833-9935.GM of Canada also has a Mobility Program. Call1-800-GM-DRIVE (463-7483) for details. All TTY userscall 1-800-263-3830.Roadside ServiceCadillac’s exceptional Roadside Service is more than anauto club or towing service. It provides every Cadillacowner with the advantage of contacting a Cadillacadvisor and, where available, a Cadillac trained dealertechnician who can provide on-site service.Each technician travels with a specially equippedservice vehicle complete with the necessary Cadillacparts and tools required to handle most roadside repairs.Cadillac Roadside Service® can be reached by dialing1-800-882-1112, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.This service is provided at no charge for anywarranty-covered situation and for a nominal charge ifthe Cadillac is no longer under warranty. RoadsideService is available only in the United States andCanada.7-5