Reprogramming a Single HomeLink®ButtonTo program a device to HomeLink® using a HomeLink®button previously trained, follow these steps:1. Press and hold the desired HomeLink® button.Do not release the button.2. The indicator light will begin to flash after20 seconds. While still holding the HomeLink ®button, proceed with Step 2 under “ProgrammingHomeLink® .”Resetting DefaultsTo reset HomeLink® to default settings do the following:1. Hold down the two outside buttons for about20 seconds until the indicator light begins to flash.2. Continue to hold both buttons until the HomeLink®indicator light turns off.3. Release both buttons.For questions or comments, contact HomeLink® at1-800-355-3515, or on the internet AreasGlove BoxThe glove box is located in front of the passenger’s seaton the instrument panel. To lock the glove box door,insert your key into the lock cylinder and turn itclockwise. Turn the key counterclockwise to unlockthe door.Cupholder(s)Your vehicle has cupholders located between the frontseats. Slide the cover back to expose them. There arealso cupholders in the armrest of the second rowseat. Press the panel on the front of the armrest toexpose the cupholders. On the outboard sides ofthe third row there may also be cupholders.Cell Phone Storage AreaYour vehicle has a closeable cell phone/sunglassesstorage area inside both of the front doors. Pressthe button to open the door.2-45