When to Change Engine Oil(GM Oil Life System)Your vehicle has a computer system that lets you knowwhen to change the engine oil and filter. This isbased on engine revolutions and engine temperature,and not on mileage. Based on driving conditions,the mileage at which an oil change will be indicated canvary considerably. For the oil life system to workproperly, you must reset the system every time the oil ischanged.When the system has calculated that oil life has beendiminished, it will indicate that an oil change isnecessary. A Change Engine Oil message in the DICwill come on. Change your oil as soon as possible withinthe next two times you stop for fuel. It is possible that,if you are driving under the best conditions, the oillife system may not indicate that an oil change isnecessary for over a year. However, your engine oil andfilter must be changed at least once a year and atthis time the system must be reset. Your dealer hasGM-trained service people who will perform thiswork using genuine GM parts and reset the system. It isalso important to check your oil regularly and keep itat the proper level.If the system is ever reset accidentally, you mustchange your oil at 3,000 miles (5 000 km) since yourlast oil change. Remember to reset the oil life systemwhenever the oil is changed.How to Reset the Change Engine OilMessage and the Oil Life IndicatorThe GM Oil Life System calculates when to changeyour engine oil and filter based on vehicle use. Anytimeyour oil is changed, reset the system so it cancalculate when the next oil change is required. If asituation occurs where you change your oil prior to aChange Engine Oil Message in the DIC being turned on,reset the system.After the oil has been changed, the Change Engine Oilmessage and the oil life indicator must be reset. Toreset the message and indicator, use one of thefollowing procedures:5-20