Using the Recovery HookYour vehicle may be equipped with a recovery hook.The recovery hook is provided in the jack storage area.The hook can be installed either at the front of thevehicle on the passenger side or at the rear ofthe vehicle on the driver side. At either location, removethe access cap from the vehicle trim and screw thehook into position. You may need to use the hook if youare stuck off-road and need to be pulled to someplace where you can continue driving.{CAUTION:The recovery hook, when used, is under a lotof force. Always pull the vehicle straight out.Never pull on the hook at a sideways angle.The hook could break off and you or otherscould be injured from the chain or cablesnapping back.Notice: Never use the recovery hook to tow thevehicle. Your vehicle could be damaged and it wouldnot be covered by warranty.TowingTowing Your VehicleConsult your dealer or a professional towing serviceif you need to have your disabled vehicle towed.See Roadside Service on page 7-5.If you want to tow your vehicle behind another vehiclefor recreational purposes (such as behind a motorhome),see Recreational Vehicle Towing following.Recreational Vehicle TowingRecreational vehicle towing means towing your vehiclebehind another vehicle – such as behind a motorhome.The two most common types of recreational vehicletowing are known as “dinghy towing” (towing yourvehicle with all four wheels on the ground) and“dolly towing” (towing your vehicle with two wheels onthe ground and two wheels up on a device knownas a “dolly”).With the proper preparation and equipment, manyvehicles can be towed in these ways. See “DinghyTowing” and “Dolly Towing,” following.4-45