Winter tires with the same speed rating as your originalequipment tires may not be available for H, V, Wand ZR speed rated tires. If you choose snow tires witha lower speed rating, never exceed the tire’s maximumspeed capability.If you replace your vehicle’s tires with those not havinga TPC Spec number, the tire pressure monitoringsystem may give an inaccurate low-pressure warning.Non-TPC Spec tires may give a low-pressure warningthat is higher or lower than the proper warning level youwould get with TPC Spec numbered tires.{CAUTION:Mixing tires could cause you to lose controlwhile driving. If you mix tires of different sizes(other than those originally installed on yourvehicle) or types (radial and bias-belted tires),the vehicle may not handle properly, and youcould have a crash. Using tires of differentCAUTION: (Continued)CAUTION: (Continued)sizes (other than those originally installed onyour vehicle) may also cause damage to yourvehicle. Be sure to use the correct size andtype tires on all wheels. It is alright to drivewith your compact spare temporarily, it wasdeveloped for use on your vehicle. SeeCompact Spare Tire on page 5-93.{CAUTION:If you use bias-ply tires on your vehicle, thewheel rim flanges could develop cracks aftermany miles of driving. A tire and/or wheelcould fail suddenly, causing a crash. Use onlyradial-ply tires with the wheels on your vehicle.5-73