Cadillac ATS/ATS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-9085354) - 2016 - crc - 7/30/15Driving and Operating 225Warning (Continued)cannot be seen or smelled. It cancause unconsciousness and evendeath.If the vehicle is stuck in snow:. Clear snow from the base ofthe vehicle, especially anyblocking the exhaust pipe.. Open a window about 5 cm(2 in) on the vehicle sidethat is away from the wind,to bring in fresh air.. Fully open the air outlets onor under the instrumentpanel.. Adjust the climate controlsystem to circulate the airinside the vehicle and setthe fan speed to the highestsetting. See “ClimateControl Systems.”For more information about CO,see Engine Exhaust 0 238.To save fuel, run the engine forshort periods to warm the vehicleand then shut the engine off andpartially close the window. Movingabout to keep warm also helps.If it takes time for help to arrive,when running the engine, push theaccelerator pedal slightly so theengine runs faster than the idlespeed. This keeps the batterycharged to restart the vehicle and tosignal for help with the headlamps.Do this as little as possible, tosave fuel.If the Vehicle Is StuckSlowly and cautiously spin thewheels to free the vehicle whenstuck in sand, mud, ice, or snow.If stuck too severely for the tractionsystem to free the vehicle, turn thetraction system off and use therocking method. See TractionControl/Electronic Stability Control0 249.{ WarningIf the vehicle's tires spin at highspeed, they can explode, and youor others could be injured. Thevehicle can overheat, causing anengine compartment fire or otherdamage. Spin the wheels as littleas possible and avoid goingabove 56 km/h (35 mph).Rocking the Vehicle to Getit OutTurn the steering wheel left andright to clear the area around thefront wheels. Turn off any tractionsystem. Shift back and forthbetween R (Reverse) and a lowforward gear, spinning the wheelsas little as possible. To preventtransmission wear, wait until thewheels stop spinning before shiftinggears. Release the acceleratorpedal while shifting, and presslightly on the accelerator pedalwhen the transmission is in gear.Slowly spinning the wheels in theforward and reverse directions