Cadillac ATS/ATS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-9085354) - 2016 - crc - 7/30/15124 Instruments and ControlsIf the light comes on and stays on,there is a brake problem.{ WarningThe brake system might not beworking properly if the brakesystem warning light is on.Driving with the brake systemwarning light on can lead to acrash. If the light is still on afterthe vehicle has been pulled offthe road and carefully stopped,have the vehicle towed forservice.Parking Brake LightMetric EnglishThis light comes on when theparking brake is applied. If the lightcontinues flashing after the parkingbrake is released, or while driving,there is a problem with the ElectricParking Brake system or anothersystem. A message may alsodisplay in the Driver InformationCenter (DIC). See Brake SystemMessages 0 136.If the light does not come on,or remains flashing, see your dealer.Service Electric ParkingBrake LightThis light should come on brieflywhen starting the vehicle. If it doesnot come on, have it fixed so it willbe ready to warn if there is aproblem.If this light stays on, there is aproblem with the Electric ParkingBrake system or another system onthe vehicle that is causing theparking brake system to work at areduced level. The vehicle can stillbe driven, but should be taken to adealer as soon as possible. See theinformation for the Electric ParkingBrake under Parking Brake(Electric) 0 246 or Parking Brake(Manual) 0 248. If a messagedisplays in the Driver InformationCenter (DIC), see Brake SystemMessages 0 136.Antilock Brake System(ABS) Warning LightThis light comes on briefly when theengine is started.If the light does not come on, have itfixed so it will be ready to warn ifthere is a problem.If the light comes on while driving,stop as soon as it is safely possibleand turn off the vehicle. Then startthe engine again to reset thesystem. If the ABS light stays on,