Cadillac ATS/ATS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-9085354) - 2016 - crc - 7/30/15Instruments and Controls 119EnglishThis gauge measures thetemperature of the vehicle's engine.While driving under normaloperating conditions, if the needlemoves into the shaded area, theengine is too hot. Pull off the road,stop the vehicle, and turn off theengine as soon as possible.Safety Belt RemindersDriver Safety Belt ReminderLightThere is a driver safety beltreminder light on the instrumentcluster.When the vehicle is started, thislight flashes and a chime may comeon to remind the driver to fastentheir safety belt. Then the light stayson solid until the belt is buckled.This cycle may continue severaltimes if the driver remains orbecomes unbuckled while thevehicle is moving.If the driver safety belt is buckled,neither the light nor the chimecomes on.Passenger Safety BeltReminder LightThere is a passenger safety beltreminder light near the passengerairbag status indicator. SeePassenger Sensing System 0 77.When the vehicle is started, thislight flashes and a chime may comeon to remind passengers to fastentheir safety belt. Then the light stayson solid until the belt is buckled.This cycle continues several times ifthe passenger remains or becomesunbuckled while the vehicle ismoving.If the passenger safety belt isbuckled, neither the chime nor thelight comes on.The front passenger safety beltreminder light and chime may turnon if an object is put on the seatsuch as a briefcase, handbag,grocery bag, laptop, or otherelectronic device. To turn off thereminder light and/or chime, removethe object from the seat or bucklethe safety belt.