94 Seats and RestraintsBooster SeatsA booster seat is a child restraintdesigned to improve the fit of thevehicle's safety belt system.A booster seat can also help a childto see out the window.Securing an Add-On ChildRestraint in the Vehicle{ WarningA child can be seriously injured orkilled in a crash if the childrestraint is not properly secured inthe vehicle. Secure the child(Continued)Warning (Continued)restraint properly in the vehicleusing the vehicle safety belt orLATCH system, following theinstructions that came with thatchild restraint and the instructionsin this manual.To help reduce the chance of injury,the child restraint must be securedin the vehicle. Child restraintsystems must be secured in vehicleseats by lap belts or the lap beltportion of a lap-shoulder belt, or bythe LATCH system. See LowerAnchors and Tethers for Children(LATCH System) 0 96 for moreinformation. Children can beendangered in a crash if the childrestraint is not properly secured inthe vehicle.When securing an add-on childrestraint, refer to the instructionsthat come with the restraint whichmay be on the restraint itself or in abooklet, or both, and to this manual.The child restraint instructions areimportant, so if they are notavailable, obtain a replacementcopy from the manufacturer.Keep in mind that an unsecuredchild restraint can move around in acollision or sudden stop and injurepeople in the vehicle. Be sure toproperly secure any child restraint inthe vehicle — even when no child isin it.Securing the Child within theChild Restraint{ WarningA child can be seriously injured orkilled in a crash if the child is notproperly secured in the childrestraint. Secure the childproperly following the instructionsthat came with that child restraint.Where to Put theRestraintAccording to accident statistics,children and infants are safer whenproperly restrained in a child