Keys, Doors, and Windows 47Heated MirrorsFor vehicles with heated mirrors:1 (Rear Window Defogger) :Press to heat the mirrors.See “Rear Window Defogger” underDual Automatic Climate ControlSystem 0 176.Blind Spot MirrorsIf equipped, there is a small convexmirror built into the upper and outercorner of the driver outside rearviewmirror. It can show objects that maybe in the vehicle's blind zone.Driving with the Blind SpotMirrorActual Mirror View1. When the approaching vehicleis a long distance away, theimage in the main mirror issmall and near the inboardedge of the mirror.2. As the vehicle gets closer, theimage in the main mirror getslarger and moves outboard.3. As the vehicle enters the blindzone, the image transitionsfrom the main mirror to theblind spot mirror.4. When the vehicle is in the blindzone, the image only appearsin the blind spot mirror.Using the Outside Mirror withthe Blind Spot Mirror1. Set the main mirror so that theside of the vehicle can just beseen and the blind spot mirrorhas an unobstructed view.2. When checking for traffic orbefore changing a lane, look atthe main driver/passenger sidemirror to observe traffic in theadjacent lane, behind yourvehicle. Check the blind spotmirror for a vehicle in the blind