204 Driving and Operatingengine starts, let go of thebutton, and the accelerator.If the vehicle starts briefly butthen stops again, do the samething. This clears the extragasoline from the engine. Donot race the engineimmediately after starting it.Operate the engine andtransmission gently until the oilwarms up and lubricates allmoving parts.Retained AccessoryPower (RAP)The following vehicle accessoriescan be used for up to 10 minutesafter the engine is turned off:. Audio System. Power Windows. OnStar System (if equipped). Sunroof (if equipped). Accessory Power Outlets. Theconsole and center seat outletsare RAP powered.These features work when theignition is in ON/RUN or ACC/ACCESSORY. Once the ignition isturned from ON/RUN to LOCK/OFF,the windows and sunroof continueto work up to 10 minutes until anydoor is opened. The radio continuesto work for up to 10 minutes or untilthe driver door is opened.Shifting Into Park{ WarningIt can be dangerous to get out ofthe vehicle if the shift lever is notfully in P (Park) with the parkingbrake firmly set. The vehicle canroll. If you have left the enginerunning, the vehicle can movesuddenly. You or others could beinjured. To be sure the vehicle willnot move, even when you are onfairly level ground, use the stepsthat follow. If the vehicle has afour-wheel drive transfer casewith a N (Neutral) position, andthe transfer case is in N (Neutral),(Continued)Warning (Continued)the vehicle will be free to roll,even if the shift lever is inP (Park). Be sure the transfercase is in a drive gear. If towing atrailer, see Driving Characteristicsand Towing Tips 0 249.1. Hold the brake pedal down,then set the parking brake.See Parking Brake 0 217.2. Move the shift lever into theP (Park) position by pulling theshift lever toward you andmoving it up as far as it will go.3. Be sure the transfer case is ina drive gear — not inN (Neutral).4. Turn the ignition to LOCK/OFF.