Vehicle Care 2794. Remove the wiper blade.Allowing the wiper blade arm totouch the windshield when nowiper blade is installed coulddamage the windshield. Anydamage that occurs would notbe covered by the vehiclewarranty. Do not allow thewiper blade arm to touch thewindshield.5. Reverse Steps 1–3 for wiperblade replacement.Rear Wiper Blade ReplacementTo replace the rear wiper blade:1. Pull the wiper blade assemblyaway from the backglass.The rear wiper blade will notlock in a vertical position socare should be used whenpulling it away from the vehicle.2. Push the release lever (2) todisengage the hook and pushthe wiper arm (1) out of theblade assembly (3).3. Push the new blade assemblysecurely in the wiper arm hookuntil the release lever clicksinto place.4. Return the wiper arm andblade assembly to the restposition on the glass.Glass ReplacementIf the windshield or front side glassmust be replaced, see your dealerto determine the correctreplacement glass.Windshield ReplacementHUD SystemThe windshield is part of the HUDsystem. If the windshield must bereplaced, get one that is designedfor HUD or the HUD image maylook out of focus.Driver Assistance SystemsWhen a windshield replacement isneeded and the vehicle is equippedwith a front-looking camera sensorfor the Driver Assistance Systems,the windshield must be installedaccording to GM specifications forthese systems to work properly. If itis not, there may be unexpectedbehavior and/or messages fromthese systems. See ObjectDetection System Messages 0 149.