Vehicle Care 2812. Bulb3. Lamp AssemblyTo replace one of these bulbs:1. Push the lamp assembly (3)toward the center of thevehicle.2. Pull the lamp assembly downto remove.3. Turn the bulb socket (1)counterclockwise to remove itfrom the lamp assembly (3).4. Pull the bulb (2) straight out ofthe bulb socket (1).5. Push the replacement bulbstraight into the bulb socketand turn the bulb socketclockwise to install it into thelamp assembly.6. Push the lamp assembly backinto position until the releasetab locks into place.Replacement BulbsExterior Lamp BulbNumberLicense Plate Lamp W5W LLFor replacement bulbs not listedhere, contact your dealer.Electrical SystemElectrical SystemOverloadThe vehicle has fuses to protectagainst an electrical systemoverload. Fuses also protect powerdevices in the vehicle.Replace a bad fuse with a new oneof the identical size and rating.If there is a problem on the road anda fuse needs to be replaced, thereare some spare fuses and a fusepuller in the Instrument Panel FuseBlock. The same amperage fusecan also be borrowed. Choosesome feature of the vehicle that isnot needed to use and replace it assoon as possible.Headlamp WiringAn electrical overload may causethe lamps to go on and off, or insome cases to remain off. Have theheadlamp wiring checked right awayif the lamps go on and off orremain off.