Lighting 167The system turns the high-beamheadlamps on when it is darkenough and there is no other trafficpresent.This light comes on in theinstrument cluster when theIntelliBeam system is enabled.Turning On and EnablingIntelliBeamTo enable the IntelliBeam system,with the turn signal lever in theneutral position, turn the exteriorlamp control to AUTO. The bluehigh-beam on light appears on theinstrument cluster when the highbeams are on.Driving with IntelliBeamThe system only activates the highbeams when driving over 40 km/h(25 mph).There is a sensor near the topcenter of the windshield, whichautomatically controls the system.Keep this area of the windshieldclear of debris to allow for bestsystem performance.The high-beam headlamps remainon, under the automatic control,until one of the following situationsoccurs:. The system detects anapproaching vehicle'sheadlamps.. The system detects a precedingvehicle's taillamps.. The outside light is brightenough that high-beamheadlamps are not required.. The vehicle's speed drops below20 km/h (12 mph).. The turn signal lever is movedforward to the high-beamposition or the Flash-to-Passfeature is used. See HeadlampHigh/Low-Beam Changer 0 168and Flash-to-Pass 0 168.. The IntelliBeam system isdisabled by the high/low-beamchanger or the Flash-to-Passfeature. If this happens, the high/low-beam changer must beactivated two times withinfive seconds to reactivate theIntelliBeam system. Theinstrument cluster light will comeon to indicate the IntelliBeam isreactivated. See HeadlampHigh/Low-Beam Changer 0 168and Flash-to-Pass 0 168.The high beams may not turn offautomatically if the system cannotdetect other vehicle's lampsbecause of any of the following:. The other vehicle's lamps aremissing, damaged, obstructedfrom view, or otherwiseundetected.. The other vehicle's lamps arecovered with dirt, snow, and/orroad spray.. The other vehicle's lamps cannotbe detected due to denseexhaust, smoke, fog, snow, roadspray, mist, or other airborneobstructions.