118 Instruments and ControlsRear Window Wiper/WasherThe rear wiper control is on the turnsignal lever.To turn the rear wiper on, slide thelever to a wiper position.OFF : Turns the wiper off.INT (Intermittent Wipes) : Turns onthe rear wiper with a delay betweenwipes.ON (Rear Wipes) : Turns on therear wiper.= REAR (Rear Wiper Wash) :Press this button on the end of thelever to spray washer fluid on therear window. The wipers will clearthe rear window and either stop orreturn to your preset speed. Formore washer cycles, press and holdthe button.The rear window wiper/washer willnot operate if the liftgate or liftglassis open or ajar. If the liftgate orliftglass is opened while the rearwiper is on, the wiper returns to theparked position and stops.Rear Wiper Arm AssemblyProtectionWhen using an automatic car wash,move the rear wiper control to OFFto disable the rear wiper. In somevehicles, if the transmission is inN (Neutral) and the vehicle speed isvery slow, the rear wiper willautomatically park under the rearspoiler.The wiper operations return tonormal when the transmission is nolonger in N (Neutral) or the vehiclespeed has increased.Reverse Gear WipesIf the rear wiper control is off, therear wiper will automatically operatecontinuously when the shift lever isin R (Reverse), and the frontwindshield wiper is performing lowor high speed wipes. If the rearwiper control is off, the shift lever isin R (Reverse), and the frontwindshield wiper is performinginterval wipes, then the rear wiperautomatically performs intervalwipes.This feature can be turned on or off.See Vehicle Personalization 0 156.The windshield washer reservoir isused for the windshield and the rearwindow. Check the fluid level in thereservoir if either washer is notworking. See Washer Fluid 0 272.CompassThe vehicle may have a compassdisplay on the Driver InformationCenter (DIC). The compass receivesits heading and other informationfrom the Global PositioningSystem (GPS) antenna,StabiliTrak ® , and vehicle speedinformation.The compass system is designed tooperate for a certain number ofmiles or degrees of turn beforeneeding a signal from the GPSsatellites. When the compassdisplay shows CAL, drive thevehicle for a short distance in an