Vehicle Care 291M-TypeFusesUsage12 Liftgate module13 Third row seat14 Rear accessory poweroutlet15 Rear defoggerUltraMicroRelaysUsage16 LiftgateMicroRelaysUsage17 Liftglass18 Rear fog lamp (ifequipped)19 Heated mirrorsWheels and TiresTiresEvery new GM vehicle hashigh-quality tires made by aleading tire manufacturer. Seethe warranty manual forinformation regarding the tirewarranty and where to getservice. For additionalinformation refer to the tiremanufacturer.{ Warning. Poorly maintained andimproperly used tires aredangerous.. Overloading the tires cancause overheating as aresult of too muchflexing. There could be ablowout and a seriouscrash. See Vehicle LoadLimits 0 196.(Continued)Warning (Continued). Underinflated tires posethe same danger asoverloaded tires. Theresulting crash couldcause serious injury.Check all tires frequentlyto maintain therecommended pressure.Tire pressure should bechecked when the tiresare cold.. Overinflated tires aremore likely to be cut,punctured, or broken bya sudden impact — suchas when hitting a pothole.Keep tires at therecommended pressure.. Worn or old tires cancause a crash. If thetread is badly worn,replace them.(Continued)