If the engine does not start after 5-10 seconds,especially in very cold weather (below 0°For −18°C), it could be flooded with too muchgasoline. Try pushing the accelerator pedal allthe way to the floor while cranking for up to15 seconds maximum. Wait at least15 seconds between each try, to allow thecranking motor to cool down. When the enginestarts, let go of the accelerator. If the vehiclestarts briefly but then stops again, do the samething. This clears the extra gasoline fromthe engine.Notice: Cranking the engine for long periodsof time, by pressing the START buttonimmediately after cranking has ended, canoverheat and damage the cranking motor, anddrain the battery. Wait at least 15 secondsbetween each try, to allow the cranking motorto cool down.Your vehicle has a Computer-Controlled CrankingSystem. This feature assists in starting theengine and protects components. Once crankinghas been initiated, the engine continues crankingfor a few seconds or until the vehicle starts.If the engine does not start, cranking automaticallystops after 15 seconds to prevent crankingmotor damage. To prevent gear damage, thissystem also prevents cranking if the engineis already running.Notice: Your engine is designed to work withthe electronics in your vehicle. If you addelectrical parts or accessories, you couldchange the way the engine operates. Beforeadding electrical equipment, check with yourdealer. If you do not, your engine might notperform properly. Any resulting damage wouldnot be covered by your vehicle’s warranty.Stopping Your EngineMove the shift lever to PARK (P) and press the Acc.button located on the instrument panel. If the shifteris not in PARK (P), the engine shuts off and thevehicle goes into the Accessory Mode. The DICdisplays “SHIFT TO PARK”. Once the shifter ismoved to PARK (P), the vehicle turns off.If the keyless access transmitter is not detectedinside the vehicle when it is turned to off, the DICdisplays NO FOB OFF OR RUN?.See DIC Warnings and Messages on page 264 formore information.114