AMAX panel 2000 / AMAX panel 2000 EN System Informations 2 | en 61Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Installation Manual F.01U.241.127 | V4 | 2011.123. STAY Arm: Same as AWAY Arm performance.This zone is mainly for prevention of arming (to ensure exit/entry door is locked beforearming the system and no alarm occurs when entering the premise through the entry/exitdoor)12- Key switch ToggleIf a zone is programmed as key-switch toggle, it will ignore all other programming items, suchas bypass, forcing arm.If the Zone Tamper function is enabled, the zone will process as zonetamper.When a zone is programmed for key-switch arming then that zone is the input for amomentary (toggle mode) keyswitch input. In toggle mode, every time the keyswitch input istriggered the system will be armed.Zone trigered: AWAY ArmZone normal: No effectWhen the system is armed in this mode, the keypad activates two beeps and report sent is byUser Code 1713- Key switch on/offIf a zone is programmed as key-switch On/Off, it will ignore all other programming items, suchas bypass, forcing arm.If the Zone Tamper function is enabled, the zone will process as a zonetamper. When a zone is programmed for key-switch arming then that zone is the input for aOn/Off keyswitch input. In On/Off mode, the control will arm when the zone is zone triggeredand disarm when it is normal. This zone allows the system to be armed or disarmed with anon/off switch wired across the keyswitch zone.Key-switch On/Off Zone activates no alarm event. Zone trigered: Activate AWAY Arm. Zonenormal: Activate DisarmWiring Diagram for Key-switch Zone: short for arm. The momentary time is capable of lastingMin. 300ms.Wiring Diagram for Key-switch Zone: short for arm. The momentary time is capable of lastingMin. 300ms.When the key-switch operates the Arm/Disarm, the keypad sounds two beeps and report sentto the system by User Code17.COMZoneCOMZoneNOTICE!As the key-switch operates the arm/disarm successfully, the siren sounds short to indicate it.