4.6.3 Replacing the gear wheelLocation of motor and gearUsers can choose to change the whole geared motor unit to reduce down time oronly change the malfunctioned gear or motor. It is recommended to have twotechnicians to work together.To replace the motor and/or the gear, it is possible to remove the motor bracketfrom the top plate and then push the carriage away. It is recommended to havetwo technicians to work together.The figure below shows how to push the carriage away from the motor bracketand expose the motor, gearbox, gear wheel, felt gear and cable chain connectionpoint. This makes the following components accessible for maintenance:xx1400002684NameItemCable chain - remains stationeryAMotor - remains stationeryBCarriage - pushed awayCMotor bracket - remains stationeryDGear wheel - remains stationeryEFelt gear - remains stationeryFGearbox - remains stationeryGRequired equipmentNoteArt. No.EquipmentThe content is defined in Standard toolson page 276.-Standard toolkitContinues on next page216 Product manual - IRBT 20053HAC051130-001 Revision: F© Copyright 2015 - 2018 ABB. All rights reserved.4 Repair4.6.3 Replacing the gear wheel