ElectricalTroubleshooting GuideIRB6400 M94APage 9 - 6Motor & Resolver CircuitrySheet 12, line 20 ..........Sheet 9, line 04 ............Fig. 9-2 ............Sheet 12, line 16 ..........Fig. 9-2 ............9.3 Drive System BoardsThe Drive System is a PWM (pulse width modulated)drive. The components of the drive system consists ofa back plane, a drive rectifier (DC-Link) and six axesdrive boards (one for each axis).9.3.1 RectifierThe Rectifier (also known as DC-Link) is the drivepower supply. Its main purpose is to convert 262 VACon terminals 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32 to 340 VDC, andto supply this voltage to the axis drive boards across thedrive back plane.When the computer is initializing, it checks the rectifierfirst. Then the computer checks the Axes boards. Thiscommunication is performed through the 64 pin ribboncable. The drive rectifier uses the KM3 relay contactsand two 10 ohm resistors when starting to put a resistiveload on the power going to the capacitors to protect thesystem from an inrush of current when the rectifier haspower but to it.The Rectifier also has circuitry referred to as DynamicBraking circuits. This circuitry consists of heavy dutyresistors which are used whenever the motors go intoa deceleration. The resister will absorb the current fedback from the motors causing an electronic brakingaction on the motor.KM361 6271 7281 8210 ohm10 ohm262 Vac 340 Vdc3 PHASERECTIFIERDiagram 9-2 RectifierArtisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com