Configuring Static DNS Resolution 833Configuring StaticDNS Resolutionn As one hostname can mapped to only one IP address, when you add multiplehostname-to-address mapping entries with the same hostname, only the last onewill be valid.You can add up to 50 entries for static DNS resolution.Configuring DynamicDNS ResolutionConfiguration Proceduren You can configure up to 6 DNS servers and 10 DNS suffixes.DNS ConfigurationExampleNetwork requirementsAs shown in Figure 214, Switch is used as a DNS client with dynamic DNSresolution. It allows you to visit Host with IP address The DNS server IPaddress is The DNS suffixes “com” and “net” are configured.Table 656 Configure static DNS resolutionOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view -Add a hostname-to-addressmapping entryip host hostname ip-address RequiredThere is no entry in the staticDNS list by default.Table 657 Configure dynamic DNS resolutionOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view -Enable dynamic DNSresolutiondns resolve RequiredThis function is disabled bydefault.Configure a DNS server IPaddressdns server ip-address RequiredNo DNS server IP address isconfigured by default.Configure a DNS suffix dns domain domain-name OptionalNo DNS suffix is configured bydefault.