OSPF Route Control 313n ■ After an interface has been configured with a new network type, the originalnetwork type of the interface is removed automatically.■ Note that, neighboring relationship can be established between two interfacesconfigured as broadcast, NBMA, or P2MP only if the interfaces are on the samenetwork segment.Setting an NBMANeighborSome special configurations need to be done on an NBMA network. Since anNBMA interface cannot discover the adjacent router by broadcasting Hellopackets, you must manually specify the IP address of the adjacent router for theinterface and whether the adjacent router has the right to vote.Setting the DR Priorityon an OSPF InterfaceYou can control the DR/BDR election on a broadcast or NBMA network byconfiguring the DR priorities of interfaces.n The DR priorities configured by the ospf dr-priority command and the peercommand have different purpose■ The priority set with the ospf dr-priority command is used for actual DRelection.■ The priority set with the peer command is used to indicate if a neighbor hasthe right to vote. If you specify the priority to 0 when configuring a neighbor,the local router will believe that the neighbor has no right to vote and sends noHello packet to it. This configuration can reduce the number of Hello packetson the network during the election of DR and BDR. However, if the local routeris already a DR or BDR, it will send Hello packets to the neighbor whose DRpriority is 0 to establish the neighboring relationship.OSPF Route Control Perform the following configurations to control the advertisement and receptionof the routing information discovered by OSPF and import routing informationdiscovered by other protocols.Table 234 Set NBMA neighborOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view -Enter OSPF view ospf [ process-id[ router-id router-id ] ]RequiredSet an NBMA neighbor peer ip-address[ dr-prioritydr-priority-value ]RequiredBy default, the priority forthe neighbor of an NBMAinterface is 1.Table 235 Set the DR priority on an OSPF interfaceOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view -Enter interface view interface interface-typeinterface-numberRequiredSet the DR priority on theOSPF interfaceospf dr-priority priority OptionalThe default DR priority is1.