800 CHAPTER 73: BIMS CONFIGURATIONAccessing the BIMSCenter as Driven by theCommandExecute the following command in system view to enable the BIMS device accessthe BIMS center immediately.BIMS ConfigurationExampleConfiguring the BIMSDevice to Access theBIMS Center Periodicallyat StartupNetwork requirementsThe BIMS device accesses the BIMS center at startup and from then on every 48hours.The BIMS center is implemented using the BIMS component of 3Com QuidviewNMS. Its IP address and port number are and 80 respectively.Configuration procedure1 Configure the BIMS center■ Set the shared key used between the BIMS center and the BIMS device. Thisshared key must be the same as the one configured on the BIMS device.■ Add the BIMS device to the NMS manually or automatically.■ Manual mode: You enter the device name manually to add this device tothe system.■ Auto mode: Enable the “Automatically add the device” function and set theshared key between the BIMS center and BIMS device. After that, when thedevice accesses the BIMS center, it can be automatically added to the BIMScenter.■ Specify the files for upgrade, including configuration file and application.When the device accesses the BIMS center, the BIMS center will judge whetherto use these files to upgrade the files on the device. If yes, the BIMS centersends these files to the device to upgrade the files on the devicen For detailed configuration procedures, refer to the part discussing the BIMScomponent in Quidview Network Management System User Manual.2 Configure the BIMS device# Enter system view. system-view# Enable BIMS.[SW7750] bims enablebims is enable# Assign the device a unique identifier ar18-20-907.[SW7750] bims device-id ar18-20-907# Configure the shared key used between the BIMS center and device.Table 636 Enable the device to access the BIMS center immediatelyOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view -Enable the device to accessthe BIMS center immediatelybims request Optional