Displaying and Debugging Information Center Configuration 825n ■ To view debug information of specific modules, you need to set theinformation type as debug in the info-center source command, and enabledebugging on corresponding modules with the debugging command as well.■ To send information to remote SNMP workstation properly, relatedconfigurations are required on both the switch and the SNMP workstation.Displaying andDebuggingInformation CenterConfigurationAfter the above configurations, you can execute the display command in anyview to display the running status of the information center, and thus validate youconfigurations. You can also execute the reset command in user view to clear theinformation in the log buffer and trap buffer.Information CenterConfigurationExamplesLog Output to a UnixLog HostNetwork requirementsThe switch sends the following log information in English to the Unix log hostwhose IP address is the log information of the two modules ARP andIP, with severity higher than “informational”.Table 655 Display and debug information centerOperation Command DescriptionDisplay information oninformation channeldisplay channel[ channel-number |channel-name ]The display command can beexecuted in any viewDisplay the operation status ofinformation center, theconfiguration of informationchannels, the format of timestampdisplay info-centerDisplay the status of logbuffer and the informationrecorded in log bufferdisplay logbuffer [ levelseverity | size buffersize ]*[ | { begin | exclude |include } regular-expression ]Display the summaryinformation recorded in logbufferdisplay logbuffer summary[ level severity ]Display the status of trapbuffer and the informationrecorded in trap bufferdisplay trapbuffer [ sizebuffersize ]Clear information recorded inlog bufferreset logbuffer The reset command can beexecuted in user viewClear information recorded intrap bufferreset trapbuffer