2-2z VLAN 1 is the system default VLAN, which needs not to be created and cannot be removed, either.z The VLAN you created in the way described above is a static VLAN. On the switch, there aredynamic VLANs which are registered through GVRP. For details, refer to “GVRP” part of thismanual.z When you use the vlan command to create VLANs, if the destination VLAN is an existing dynamicVLAN, it will be transformed into a static VLAN and the switch will output the prompt information.Basic VLAN Interface ConfigurationConfiguration prerequisitesBefore configuring a VLAN interface, create the corresponding VLAN.Configuration procedureFollow these steps to perform basic VLAN interface configuration:To do... Use the command... RemarksEnter system view system-view —Create a VLAN interfaceand enter VLANinterface viewinterface Vlan-interfacevlan-idRequiredBy default, there is no VLAN interface on aswitch.Specify the descriptionstring for the currentVLAN interfacedescription textOptionalBy default, the description string of a VLANinterface is the name of this VLANinterface. Vlan-interface1 Interface forexample.Disable the VLANinterface shutdownEnable the VLANInterface undo shutdownOptionalBy default, the VLAN interface is enabled.In this case, the VLAN interface’s status isdetermined by the status of the ports in theVLAN, that is, if all ports of the VLAN aredown, the VLAN interface is down(disabled); if one or more ports of the VLANare up, the VLAN interface is up (enabled).If you disable the VLAN interface, the VLANinterface will always be down, regardless ofthe status of the ports in the VLAN.