1-23802.1X Mandatory Authentication Domain Configuration ExampleNetwork RequirementsAs shown in Figure 1-13, Host A (an 802.1X user) and Host B (a telnet user) are connected to theInternet through Ethernet 1/0/1 and Ethernet 1/0/2 on Switch, respectively. It is required to implementRADIUS authentication and local authentication for Host A and Host B (that do not support usernameswith suffixes) by performing the following configurations on Switch:z Host A belongs to domain aabbcc and Host B belongs to domain test; configure test as the defaultdomain on Switch and specify aabbcc as the mandatory authentication domain for Ethernet 1/0/1.z Configure Switch to use the RADIUS server, with IP address, to provideauthentication, authorization and accounting services. Specify aabbcc as the shared key forSwitch to exchange packets with the RADIUS server.z Configure hello as both the username and password for local authentication of Host B.Figure 1-13 Network diagram for configuring RADIUS authentication of the telnet userConfiguration Procedure# Enable telnet services on Switch. system-view[Switch] telnet server enable# Create a local user named hello.[Switch] local-user hello[Switch-luser-hello] service-type telnet[Switch-luser-hello] password simple hello[Switch-luser-hello] quit# Configure domain test as the default domain and perform local authentication for users of the domain.[Switch] domain test[Switch-isp-test] scheme local[Switch-isp-test] quit[Switch] domain default enable test# Create a domain named aabbcc, and specify to use radius1 scheme to authenticate users of thedomain.[Switch] domain aabbcc