1-9Task RemarksConfiguring IPv6 TCP Properties OptionalConfiguring the Maximum Number of IPv6 ICMP Error Packets Sent within aSpecified Time OptionalConfiguring the Hop Limit of ICMPv6 Reply Packets OptionalConfiguring IPv6 DNS OptionalDisplaying and Maintaining IPv6 OptionalConfiguring an IPv6 Unicast Addressz An IPv6 address is required for a host to access an IPv6 network. A host can be assigned a globalunicast address, a site-local address, or a link-local address.z To enable a host to access a public IPv6 network, you need to assign an IPv6 global unicastaddress to it.IPv6 site-local addresses and global unicast addresses can be configured in either of the followingways:z EUI-64 format: When the EUI-64 format is adopted to form IPv6 addresses, the IPv6 address prefixof an interface is the configured prefix and the interface identifier is derived from the link-layeraddress of the interface.z Manual configuration: IPv6 site-local addresses or global unicast addresses are configuredmanually.IPv6 link-local addresses can be acquired in either of the following ways:z Automatic generation: The device automatically generates a link-local address for an interfaceaccording to the link-local address prefix (FE80::/64) and the link-layer address of the interface.z Manual assignment: IPv6 link-local addresses can be assigned manually.Table 1-5 Configure an IPv6 unicast addressTo do... Use the command... RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter VLAN interface view interface interface-typeinterface-number —Manually assign anIPv6 addressipv6 address { ipv6-addressprefix-length |ipv6-address/prefix-length }Configure anIPv6 globalunicast addressor site-localaddressAdopt the EUI-64format to form anIPv6 addressipv6 addressipv6-address/prefix-length eui-64Use either commandBy default, nosite-local address orglobal unicastaddress isconfigured for aninterface.Note that the prefixspecified by theprefix-lengthargument in anEUI-64 addresscannot exceed 64bits in length.