1-13z finwait timer: When the IPv6 TCP connection status is FIN_WAIT_2, the finwait timer is triggered. Ifno packet is received before the finwait timer expires, the IPv6 TCP connection is terminated. If FINpackets are received, the IPv6 TCP connection status becomes TIME_WAIT. If other packets arereceived, the finwait timer is reset from the last packet and the connection is terminated after thefinwait timer expires.z Size of IPv6 TCP receiving/sending buffer.Table 1-12 Configure IPv6 TCP propertiesTo do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Set the finwait timer of IPv6TCP packetstcp ipv6 timer fin-timeoutwait-timeOptional675 seconds by defaultSet the synwait timer of IPv6TCP packetstcp ipv6 timer syn-timeoutwait-timeOptional75 seconds by defaultConfigure the size of IPv6 TCPreceiving/sending buffer tcp ipv6 window size Optional8 KB by defaultConfiguring the Maximum Number of IPv6 ICMP Error Packets Sent within aSpecified TimeIf too many IPv6 ICMP error packets are sent within a short time in a network, network congestion mayoccur. To avoid network congestion, you can control the maximum number of IPv6 ICMP error packetssent within a specified time. Currently, the token bucket algorithm is adopted.You can set the capacity of a token bucket, namely, the number of tokens in the bucket. In addition, youcan set the update period of the token bucket, namely, the interval for updating the number of tokens inthe token bucket to the configured capacity. One token allows one IPv6 ICMP error packet to be sent.Each time an IPv6 ICMP error packet is sent, the number of tokens in a token bucket decreases by 1. Ifthe number of the IPv6 ICMP error packets that are continuously sent out reaches the capacity of thetoken bucket, the subsequent IPv6 ICMP error packets cannot be sent out until new tokens are put intothe token bucket based on the specified update frequency.Table 1-13 Configure the maximum number of IPv6 ICMP error packets sent within a specified timeTo do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Configure the maximumnumber of IPv6 ICMP errorpackets sent within aspecified timeipv6 icmp-error { bucketbucket-size | ratelimitinterval }*OptionalBy default, the capacity of a tokenbucket is 10 and the update period to100 milliseconds. That is, at most 10IPv6 ICMP error packets can be sentwithin an update period.Configuring the Hop Limit of ICMPv6 Reply PacketsWhen sending an ICMPv6 reply packet, the device will fill a configurable value in the Hop Limit field inthe ICMPv6 reply packet header.