1-21z The switch is connected to a server comprising of two RADIUS servers whose IP addresses are10.11.1.1 and The RADIUS server with an IP address of operates as theprimary authentication server and the secondary accounting server. The other operates as thesecondary authentication server and primary accounting server. The password for the switch andthe authentication RADIUS servers to exchange message is “name”. And the password for theswitch and the accounting RADIUS servers to exchange message is “money”. The switch sendsanother packet to the RADIUS servers again if it sends a packet to the RADIUS server and doesnot receive response for 5 seconds, with the maximum number of retries of 5. And the switch sendsa real-time accounting packet to the RADIUS servers once in every 15 minutes. A user name issent to the RADIUS servers with the domain name truncated.z The user name and password for local 802.1x authentication are “localuser” and “localpass” (inplain text) respectively. The idle disconnecting function is enabled.Network diagramFigure 1-12 Network diagram for AAA configuration with 802.1x and RADIUS enabledIP networkSupplicant AuthenticatorEthernet 1/0/1Authentication Servers(IP Address: procedureFollowing configuration covers the major AAA/RADIUS configuration commands. Refer to AAAOperation Manual for the information about these commands. Configuration on the client and theRADIUS servers is omitted.# Enable 802.1x globally. system-viewSystem View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.[Sysname] dot1x# Enable 802.1x on Ethernet 1/0/1 port.[Sysname] dot1x interface Ethernet 1/0/1# Set the access control method to be MAC-address-based (This operation can be omitted, asMAC-address-based is the default).[Sysname] dot1x port-method macbased interface Ethernet 1/0/1