ethernet summary 813 Layer 2SwitchingModules3 MultilayerSwitchingModulesethernet summary Displays a summary of Ethernet port information. The summary showsthe port’s label and status, as well as the most pertinent statistics aboutgeneral port activity and port errors.Valid Minimum Abbreviatione sImportant Considerationsn Port numbering restarts at 1 on each switching module.n Numbering includes unused ports.n The rxFrames value that the Ethernet summary command reports fora bridge port may differ from the value that the bridge port summarycommand reports. The Ethernet summary command counts all framesthat are delivered to the port while the bridge port summarycommand reports only valid frames that are passed to the port.Therefore, the Ethernet summary value should exceed the bridge portsummary value by the number of receive errors (rxErrs).n At some prompts, you can specify the ? option to list Ethernet portsand port numbers. The ? option displays Selection, Port, and PortLabel columns. The Selection column and Port column contain thesame port numbers because they represent the physical ports.n To display Ethernet port statistics relative to a module baseline, seeChapter 3 in this guide or see the Switch 4007 Implementation Guide.OptionsPrompt Description Possible Values [Default]Port numbers Port numbers for which youwant to display summaryinformationn A single portn A range ofconsecutiveports, indicatedwith a hyphenn Non-consecutiveports,separated bycommasn alln ? (to display aport summary)–