196 CHAPTER 10: V IRTUAL LANS (VLANS)3 Layer 2SwitchingModulesMultilayerSwitchingModulesbridge vlan modify Changes a port-based VLAN definition on a Layer 2 Switching Module.See “Important Considerations” for information on when changes takeeffect.To modify VLANs on Multilayer Switching Modules, see the previous“bridge vlan modify” command in this chapter.Valid Minimum Abbreviationb v modiImportant Considerationsn You do not need to reboot the module for the changes to take effect.However, depending on the number of VLANs that are affected, themodule may take several minutes to return control to you.n If you modify the tagging type of a backplane port on a switchingmodule, be sure to modify the tagging type of the corresponding porton the switch fabric module.n If tagging is enabled for a port, the software uses the VID as the802.1Q tag.n If you modify the default VLAN, you can only change the memberports or the tag status. You cannot change the name or the VID.n If you modify the tagging for a port shared by another VLAN, verifythat the new tag type does not conflict with the port’s tag type inanother VLAN. (A shared port can use a tag type of none for only oneof its VLANs; for all other VLANs to which it belongs, the shared portmust use IEEE 802.1Q tagging.)OptionsPrompt Description Possible Values [Default]VLANinterfaceindexModule-assigned index numberthat identifies a VLANn A valid VLANindex numbern alln ? (for a list ofselectableindexes)1 (if youhave onlythe defaultVLAN)VID(for VLANsother thanthe default)Unique, user-defined integer usedby management operations2 – 4094 CurrentVID